Hey gang, I finished Ashes to Ashes and by extension I now have the whole Life on Mars Cinematic Universe Experience under my belt.
If you want to know what I thought about LOM & Season 1 of A2A, there's a post for that. This post is, specifically, about Season 2 and another one will be coming soon for Season 3.
If you already read that first post and just need a quick refresher, Life on Mars was about Sam Tyler who in 2006 got hit by a car, fell into a coma, and woke up in 1973. He wakes up and misses 1973 so bad he throws himself off the roof of an office building so that he can go back! Kind ...
How do you even explain a show like Please Like Me?
A few months ago Taskmaster Australia aired its second season (but it was third in filming order? that's a whole different confusing can of worms) and one of the contestants on it was Josh Thomas, a melancholy twink who stood out to me and my husband as hilarious amongst a pretty funny contestant lineup. As an american, my heartfelt suggestion is to watch all of english-language Taskmaster (except for US which I've written about before, sorry Reggie) if you're interested in finding new comedians to love.
As it turns out, one of the most fun par...
Discovered my RSS feed was truncating my posts because my Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes post was so long..... turns out there's no setting to toggle this in the OctoberCMS RainLab Blog, I had to go edit some code.
In case this ever turns out to be something you want to fix, you should change post.summary to post.content_html in /plugins/rainlab/blog/components/rssfeed/default.htm
post.summary truncates your post, while post.content_html shows the whole thing. if you pass that into |raw, this will not escape the HTML characters, which is nice on a template page where you need it to parse something,...
One of the shows I'd been watching recently while I work was Life On Mars, which was a super megahit on UK TV back in 2006. I think my dad might have even been pirating it as it was airing? After watching through it, I can see why it was popular, it comes together as what I think is more than the sum of it's parts and is really compelling.
In case you're not familiar, Sam Tyler is a cop who gets hit by a car during a murder investigation in 2006 in which his girlfriend (who is also a cop) gets kidnapped by the murderer because she tries to go after him alone. This last part is only a big deal f...
This is, quite honeslty, a pretty mainstream opinion. But sometimes you have to say it out loud.
There is one piece of knowledge I was trying to get to, and in doing so I had to learn alot of individual things. The goal was, figure out how to keep a discord stream running 24/7 with how modern computers & my less than stable ISP connection are constantly interrupting all of my shit.
Let's rewind a bit, and get some background on why.
Long time friend of the show EntranceJew, at the start of the pandemic, had an idea to create a discord based TV station. All the tech folks were stuck working from home anyway, so why not watch Perfect Strangers and Head of the Class while we do it? To accompli...
I don't have alot to say about the election, because much of it is complicated and I just don't have the energy to lay out everything that's happened in US Politics between September 12th, 2001 and today, but I'm disappointed and not that surprised. I am also not the smartest, politically, so while I have alot of thoughts that make sense to me specifically, it's possible I'm mistaken on quite a few things, and I'm also simply not great at explaining my thought processes.
There are a few things, in my IMO, that are important to say, because they concern how I'd like to address some things in my ...
What is, gender, really, when you think about it? It's a series of social expectations that will be different depending on what culture you're in and how people perceive you. More importantly, do you want those expectations placed on you? Would you be happier with the other set, mixing and matching things from both sets, or perhaps you're like me where you feel the expectations are unfair. I certainly didn't pick them. Why should I like sports because I'm AMAB? My sister loves watching baseball, I have no clue why, and if my grandfather was still alive, he would likely be really upset that she...
I'm not sure I have a coherent throughline as I ramble because I was stoned while I watched Hackers for the first time.
I have many thoughts, the first is, I had no idea how queer this movie is. Phreaker's such a fucking twink, would likely ID as Non-Binary with those kinds of outfits in 2024. I could easily see Matthew Lilliard's character as a burnout gay AuDHD Furry looking for a hookup at Furrydelphia. There's a dream sequence where Dade's in a Dress (the terms of him losing a bet he makes with Kate about halfway through the movie). The two guys who host the Hacker TV Show are definitely at...
The fact that Wawa has not discontinued the Pizza yet I think speaks to a level of commitment we have not yet seen from a chain that is not defined as a pizza chain doing pizza.
The strategy most fast food places use is to churn through menu changes frequently to try and get you to go "oh, maybe I should get that." Wawa sort of does this, but honestly every time I'm near a Wawa, I stop in and get something, usually a pretzel, occasionally a sandwich depending on how hungry I am. If there were one on my work commute route I'd absolutely be leaving 10 minues earlier & getting a coffee & breakfast...
So I spent all weekend rebuilding my website from the ground up using a new CMS I've never tried before, and while I was successful, it was really really obnoxious in several regards, many of those things I've laid out already, but there's a solution I had to figure out myself that none of the OctoberCMS forums, tips pages, or anything actually touch on.